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映画鑑賞録 『The Green Hornet』

イメージ 1
Photo of Lufthansa Jumbo in Narita airport     
Funny & simple movie "The green Hornet", I enjoyed it in a airplane from Narita to Frankfurt.
The movie has all the superhero movie ingredients — rich, bored crime-fighting anti-hero,
his sidekick, the coolest in cool car, and a supposedly super villain.
Britt; he is a son of a big newspaper company, playboy & antitype father complex boy,
finds himself impressed by the chauffeur who makes his morning espresso, a car remodeling freak
and Kung-fu master whose name he've never heard.
His name is Kato and he looks Chinese and Japanese both.
Name, super car mechanic, good at IT, and some other part looks Japanese.
While he is a Kung-fu master and his mother town Shanghigh is in China.
It's good enough for me to spend funny time but my German friend doesn't think so.
See it yourself. 
Just now I talked about the movie with him and for my English training, I wrote this in English.